Lemurs.space has been down for three hours today. I don't know why it went offline... and why it went back online. Investigating the logs is in the todo list. Sorry about that, lemurs
@Andres I use Matrix everyday and it's amazing for communities and public chatting, but for personal use? No. 1. It is a meta data disaster (it leaks huge amount of meta data) 2. It's not as straightforward as Signal. 3. Both of them is open source and not for-profit but Signal is battle tested. For now, Signal is one of the best piece of software we can use, I really love using it!
It is not fair to put Mastodon, Pixelfed, Friedica, Peertube and Loops as analogous to Signal. Signal is centralized, Signal relies on closed source libraries, Signal is only distributed through PlayStore, Signal is not a federated platform.
If we want to have a messaging platform on that image, it should be XMPP.
it would be good if first of all pixelfed don't delay accepting new accounts, losing the momentum it is getting. also there is the usual bug where scrolling the home sometimes it freezes. it would be good to have a smooth pixelfed before of improving loops. but, instead of this, a third app is being developed. wish you all the best tackling things in a triune way.
For people to really make the switch, it would be helpful to give them an article explaining what to do exactly. In German there is one by @blog - do you know of other languages? #GlobalSwitchDay koelle4future.de/?p=35767
Die Ampel ist Geschichte — Wir die Zukunft! Am 14.02.25 ist bundesweiter Klimastreik! Bekanntes Datum!? Jep, das ist Valentinstag. Also perfekt für DEIN Date mit dem Klima. Wir klimastreiken bundesweit...\n
also, i hear many here denouncing trump and co. and sharing what we should do instead, but on this platform is mostly preaching to the choir, so wouldn’t it be more useful to do it where those others with different thinking actually are?
The way we receive information about our world is unlike any previous generations of humanity. Paradoxically, it's destroying democracy—and Trump's America is the main canary in the coal mine.
I don’t think all those other apps are gonna replace anything (including this app and I don’t think rednote is gonna replace TikTok either) but they might be worth giving them a shot
@dausacker olha que legal essa imagem. (Pessoalmente não gosto tanto da ideia de uma plataforma de vídeos verticais federada... Mas a imagem não deixa de ser legal, não.)
i really dont want to spoil the fun here. I appreciate the effort.
But although #signal is much more popular than #matrix their relationship is like #mastodon to #bluesky. Both bluesky and signal have a #proprietary backend. although their frontent is #OpenSource they technically have a single point of failure. server/cluster down == service down
Mastodon and matrix are actual fediverse services which are undestroyable since they are many federated, independent servers.
I pulled up YouTube for the first time (I was signed out of google too) on my work computer to watch one funny video at work, and this is what autoplayed immediately afterwards. I’m fully switching to peertube now. It’s turning into a hate platform like meta and Twitter.
Wir sind noch #neuHier auf #Mastodon. Unsere Accounts auf X, Facebook und Instagram haben wir gelöscht.
Wir sind unseres Wissens der erste #AnwaltVerein im #Fediverse, aber bestimmt nicht der letzte.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn noch mehr #Rechtsanwälte den Weg hierher fänden. Sprecht Euren Lieblings-, Haus-, Familien- und Unternehmensanwalt einfach auf's #Fediversum an. Es gibt ja für jede große kommerzielle Plattform eine freie Alternative, siehe die grafische Übersicht oben.
Dunno how well this is going to go - decentralized kinda misses the point of social networks, one of these requires you to run your own servers, and one is closed to new signups
The Fediverse needs better branding. Don't use 'Tube', it was already outdated when YouTube launched. Pixelfed sounds like it's a federal agency. Friendica? What? And don't get me started on 'Mastodon' which I think would have way more users if it wasn't called 'Mastodon'
I've been slowly converting family and friends over to Signal for years now. Here's how usually I do that these days. When a conversation gets into some rather intimate topic - say talk on emotions, or psychology, or other highly private details - then I set a boundary, saying "I'd be willing to discuss this topic further, but only in a more private app like Signal." So I leave them an "out": I'm willing to stay on, say, WhatsApp, *but the conversation has to stay more shallow*.
I also run an #XMPP server (Prosody), but I've had very limited success in getting people to join. Frankly, XMPP is *only* for intrepid geeks at this time, who are willing to put up with several papercuts in usability. Apps like WhatsApp and Signal have "raised the bar" *a lot*, and apps like #Conversations and #Gajim have their work cut out for them to try to catch up to people's sky-high expectations - they've been spoiled.
*A ton more testing and bug-fixing is still needed to iron out quirks that the different XMPP clients have, in talking to each other.*
Hi Dansup, first of all, you are a ⭐ thanks for everything you do! I have a quick question... I applied to pixelfed.art a couple of days ago, but no answer yet. Shall I wait more or resend the application? Please let me know if there is anything wrong. My username in the application was "skamu". Thanks!!
Never was on Xitter, but I'm here. Never been on "insta," or What'sApp, or TikTok. Debating leaving FB and not switching to anything. YT with ad blockers and a VPN for now.
Long interesting discussion! Another idea, while we’re at it, might be to buy a Fairphone with /e/os and resist the temptation of installing the ‘wrong apps’. They also sell tablets. Reasonably locked down Linux on your computer and you’re set. Am I the only one who sees the irony of choosing ‘safe’ apps but still using the machines and os’ of the beast? . If you have to use them at work, wait till you get home to socialize online, or take your Fairphone on your pee break.
@kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith While Signal is very promising, and currently very secure, it is not federated services which leaves it vulnerable in case the business model changes, like if the intellectual property of the clients and/or servers would become subject to capitalisation. If so, it would be far from the first time that this happens in the history. As I just shared in another post I highly recommend giving this a peek: securemessagingapps.com/
This site compares secure messaging apps from a security & privacy point of view. These include Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Skype, Signal, Simplex, Google Messenger, Threema, Riot, Wire, Telegram, and Wickr
I hear what you're saying but being alarmist about it is counterproductive to supporting a movement of safe messaging today, in this moment. Especially when there's nothing to be alarmist about other than "but in the future something may could potentially at some point happen!"
There's ('21 as well) movement towards safer and private communication with signal being at that forefront of options and purporting "kinda safe" is just wrong
Lemmy is the most usable one and the only I frequent daily out of the whole fediverse, even with the lower numbers in comparison, its consistent with it's growth and way more constructive than reddit
This isn't entirely true; reproducible Android builds have been a thing since 2016: signal.org/blog/reproducible-a… - that verifies the client is safe.
And, considering the entire architecture is E2EE, the server potentially being compromised doesn't actually matter. Someone could be dumping every single network packet from the servers and still be left with unintelligible gibberish.
As of our latest Android release, Signal builds are reproducible. Reproducible builds help to verify that the source code in our GitHub repository is the exact source code used to build the compiled Signal APK being distributed through Google Play.
If you distrust it then compile it from source code then. There is a fdroid one you can get with the guardian project too.
Also the signal company gets asked by the government to give them information but signal can't actually do it because they cannot decrypt your messages. There is also the fact that the company makes barley any net profit from what I can see.
But if you don't wanna use signal its a free world
I have to say that I just really paid attention to the logos for Loops and Peertube and I think they’re brilliant. I have no idea if you intended for Loops to reference/riff Peertube’s design language, but it’s very good either way (Peertube evoking federation through the “play” triangle pointing in multiple directions while also itself being a “play” triangle; almost the same sized triangle in the negative space with the looping graphics for Loops).
@bigfishrunning @kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith Also, the release .apk app contains not only published open source code, but also proprietary (non-free) binary blobs linked with it, and Signal foundation (or was it just Moxie?) was never OK with people removing those non-free blobs and connecting to their servers (which is why #fdroid FOSS app store could never publish #signal, which is a shame and a reason why many FOSS won't run it. Also, why no #federation ?)
Been using Signal almost daily for years. Installed the pixelfed app and the peertube app after seeing your post and am trying them out. Thanks for the tip! Friendica still seems to be just starting out.
Andres Jalinton
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •shipwreckt
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •I'll be honest signal is a million times better in my humble opinion
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •@Andres Signal functions great as a direct messaging app similar to WhatsApp or iMessage, etc.
It's much easier to get people on for simple things like that.
Matrix is more of a replacement for Discord or something similar.
Mr Winters
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •Tippy
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •Ahmed ibrahim
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •I use Matrix everyday and it's amazing for communities and public chatting, but for personal use? No.
1. It is a meta data disaster (it leaks huge amount of meta data)
2. It's not as straightforward as Signal.
3. Both of them is open source and not for-profit but Signal is battle tested.
For now, Signal is one of the best piece of software we can use, I really love using it!
Martin Gleadow
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •mwguy
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •RadiantBlack
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •DoM!niC
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Alontra 🇵🇸🌱
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •It is not fair to put Mastodon, Pixelfed, Friedica, Peertube and Loops as analogous to Signal. Signal is centralized, Signal relies on closed source libraries, Signal is only distributed through PlayStore, Signal is not a federated platform.
If we want to have a messaging platform on that image, it should be XMPP.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •brawnybunkbedbuddy
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Ethical Complainer™
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •ForrestGrump
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •bread
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Sérgio Machado
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •thornsinnercircle 🍉
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Malte
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Son Link 🐧
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Florian Schmidt
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •In German there is one by @blog - do you know of other languages?
Klimastreik in Köln
Koelle ForFuture (Kölle For Future)Wolfie Rankin
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •ploum
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Victor Zambrano
Unknown parent • • •@lisamelton
here’s brian klaas explaining it better than i do: forkingpaths.co/p/the-democrat…
also, i hear many here denouncing trump and co. and sharing what we should do instead, but on this platform is mostly preaching to the choir, so wouldn’t it be more useful to do it where those others with different thinking actually are?
The Democratization of Information Production is Killing Democracy
Brian Klaas (The Garden of Forking Paths)Kees 🐧
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Jess ex machina
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Noah Jin
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Noah Jin
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Bestiolina
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •guilherme
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •ch0ccyra1n
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Understress81
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Frank Nanninga
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Sanne Bjerg
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •haui
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •i really dont want to spoil the fun here. I appreciate the effort.
But although #signal is much more popular than #matrix their relationship is like #mastodon to #bluesky. Both bluesky and signal have a #proprietary backend. although their frontent is #OpenSource they technically have a single point of failure. server/cluster down == service down
Mastodon and matrix are actual fediverse services which are undestroyable since they are many federated, independent servers.
Char(cuterie board)
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Number1SummerJam
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Sensitive content
Catharina Bethlehem ☑️ Cath
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Adding Alt-Text to the image would be much appreciated: perkins.org/resource/how-write…
How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions for the visually impaired – Perkins School for the Blind
Perkins School for the BlindCatharina Bethlehem ☑️ Cath
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Please, do add #AltText to your image perkins.org/resource/how-write…
#Blind #AltText
How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions for the visually impaired – Perkins School for the Blind
Perkins School for the BlindAnwaltVerein Stuttgart e.V.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Wir sind noch #neuHier auf #Mastodon. Unsere Accounts auf X, Facebook und Instagram haben wir gelöscht.
Wir sind unseres Wissens der erste #AnwaltVerein im #Fediverse, aber bestimmt nicht der letzte.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn noch mehr #Rechtsanwälte den Weg hierher fänden. Sprecht Euren Lieblings-, Haus-, Familien- und Unternehmensanwalt einfach auf's #Fediversum an. Es gibt ja für jede große kommerzielle Plattform eine freie Alternative, siehe die grafische Übersicht oben.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Rae
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Adrian Sanabria
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Admiral Gingercide
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •adb
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Ember
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •rua|rí
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •ClassyT
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Riccardo Donato
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Apriloq
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Kaiden Fox
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •KV
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Bhante Subharo
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •I've been slowly converting family and friends over to Signal for years now. Here's how usually I do that these days. When a conversation gets into some rather intimate topic - say talk on emotions, or psychology, or other highly private details - then I set a boundary, saying "I'd be willing to discuss this topic further, but only in a more private app like Signal." So I leave them an "out": I'm willing to stay on, say, WhatsApp, *but the conversation has to stay more shallow*.
I also run an #XMPP server (Prosody), but I've had very limited success in getting people to join. Frankly, XMPP is *only* for intrepid geeks at this time, who are willing to put up with several papercuts in usability. Apps like WhatsApp and Signal have "raised the bar" *a lot*, and apps like #Conversations and #Gajim have their work cut out for them to try to catch up to people's sky-high expectations - they've been spoiled.
*A ton more testing and bug-fixing is still needed to iron out quirks that the different XMPP clients have, in talking to each other.*
Raul Espim
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Esteban Martinez
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Massimiliano Musina
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •I have a quick question... I applied to pixelfed.art a couple of days ago, but no answer yet. Shall I wait more or resend the application? Please let me know if there is anything wrong. My username in the application was "skamu". Thanks!!
peachfiend - they/them 🆒♍💦
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •warmaster
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •nokzemedia
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •gogojack
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Jakob Fel
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •jakofields
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Axis
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Kyle Döring
Unknown parent • • •@loops has an app in both the Play Store and App Store
Kyle Döring
Unknown parent • • •@VTDARKSIM @mwguy @loops oh woops might only still be in test flight?
Join the Loops by Pixelfed beta
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Don
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Jörgi
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Kyle Döring
Unknown parent • • •@Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt
It's not just "kind of safe." It's a legitimate means of safe and private communication owned by a non-profit.
Open source code, vetted by the security industry.
You don't have to do hardly any digging to verify all its accolades.
Give their CEO, @Mer__edith , a follow if you're so inclined.
in reply to Kyle Döring • • •@kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @Mer__edith
I never knew the CEO was a woman :o
But signal is based, let's hope it stays like that till the sun explodes 🙏🏻🙏🏻
in reply to Kyle Döring • • •While Signal is very promising, and currently very secure, it is not federated services which leaves it vulnerable in case the business model changes, like if the intellectual property of the clients and/or servers would become subject to capitalisation. If so, it would be far from the first time that this happens in the history.
As I just shared in another post I highly recommend giving this a peek: securemessagingapps.com/
Secure Messaging Apps Comparison | Privacy Matters
www.securemessagingapps.comKyle Döring
in reply to mortn • • •@mortn @Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith
I hear what you're saying but being alarmist about it is counterproductive to supporting a movement of safe messaging today, in this moment. Especially when there's nothing to be alarmist about other than "but in the future something may could potentially at some point happen!"
There's ('21 as well) movement towards safer and private communication with signal being at that forefront of options and purporting "kinda safe" is just wrong
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Daniel Supernault
Unknown parent • • •@jupiter_rowland ngl, Mike Macgirvin is one of those generational forces that really changes things.
I know he doesn't like me, but I stan his eloquent ingenuity, devs like him are rare, and I hope we can work together one day!
Unknown parent • • •@Andres @spycrab
I do understand this but getting people to switch to signal is way easier and in my experience normies like signal more then WhatsApp 🤷♂️
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Schykle
Unknown parent • • •@Andres That's a bit of a copout, you yourself said Matrix initially as well. You know exactly what I mean in context.
But even then, most Matrix implementations are more like Discord and less like iMessage. Fractal, Element, etc.
Martin Clavey
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Daniel Supernault
Unknown parent • • •shipwreckt
Unknown parent • • •@manchicken @Andres @spycrab
Nothing is perfect 🤷♂️
I just have a preference for the one I can move all my friends and family too without them having to do much on their end
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •3dmvr
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •orbitalmayo
Unknown parent • • •@bigfishrunning @kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith
This isn't entirely true; reproducible Android builds have been a thing since 2016: signal.org/blog/reproducible-a… - that verifies the client is safe.
And, considering the entire architecture is E2EE, the server potentially being compromised doesn't actually matter. Someone could be dumping every single network packet from the servers and still be left with unintelligible gibberish.
Reproducible Signal builds for Android
Signal Messengershipwreckt
in reply to orbitalmayo • • •@orbitalmayo @bigfishrunning @kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @Mer__edith
Thank you for looking it up 🙏🏻
Unknown parent • • •@manchicken @Andres @spycrab
I just wish for a world where things are private and companies cannot be sapinad to look at my junk 😔
But you are right man
4d tommie
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •meta-morphosis.nl/
Why are people leaving Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Twitter?
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •shipwreckt
Unknown parent • • •@bigfishrunning @kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @Mer__edith
If you distrust it then compile it from source code then. There is a fdroid one you can get with the guardian project too.
Also the signal company gets asked by the government to give them information but signal can't actually do it because they cannot decrypt your messages. There is also the fact that the company makes barley any net profit from what I can see.
But if you don't wanna use signal its a free world
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Hugo Korterik
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •BongoBaggins
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Paul Giulan
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Rev. Charles Browning
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Matija Nalis
Unknown parent • • •Kaiden Fox
Unknown parent • • •mwguy
Unknown parent • • •Daniel Supernault
in reply to mwguy • • •@mwguy @vextaur We have Groups, but they need a bit of polish and APIs for the mobile app support.
Stay tuned though, they are just like FB Groups (down to the UI) with support for Private federated groups!
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •mwguy
in reply to mwguy • • •Williams Jessica
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Steve in Ventura
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •shipwreckt
Unknown parent • • •@peachfiend @orbitalmayo @bigfishrunning @kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @Mer__edith
I might switch to molly at some point but I don't want to loose all my messages 🙏🏻
Ahmed ibrahim
in reply to mortn • • •@mortn @kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith
Signal is a non profit, everything is open source, including the SERVER, so whatever happens, someone can deploy a Signal clone.